March 10, 2011

Two is better than One (Unicorn)

Hello! ^^/
I have been playing with the unicorn photos.. and here's the result XD

You Shall Not Pass!

Am I hallucinating or are those really two unicorns?? XD Yup, It's two! Hmm, I'm sure it's photoshopped.. XD Hmm, yeah i can do that.. But, fortunately I really have two! XD Why? It's a long and complicated love story XD I was happily painting unicorn in the emergency stairs (yeah, I live in condo with no balcony -_-), then I went to my room to leave them dry for 10 minutes.. and when I went back my spray cans has gone, plus the booklet guide T_T But the parts are still there. This is so weird, I think the cleaner took them for god knows what reason T_T It's hopeless to build without the guide. So what else I can do than to buy another box of SD Unicorn XD Well I guess Gundam God wants me to have two XD So that's the story I ended up having two cute unicorns ^^ I guess this is when we say, picture says a thousand words XDD

Did you just ask, whether i did the horse and rider pose? Yes I did! XD

Unicorn is Assassin

Don't let the cuteness fool you! He is a natural born killer, with double rifles (one borrowed from his shy brother)! XD

Ok, this is the end of unicorn post series. I've already started with the next gunpla work and will be dully covered on the next post. Anyway here's the original pics before edited. Thanks for viewing :)


Amari said...

i like the assassin style

Arrel said...

lol wut?
Maybe the cleaning officer lost his manual too, and when he saw a completed uni with manual book laying around, he thought you won't need the manual anymore, hahaha...

The horse looks funny.
With two unicorns, now you can pose both mode side by side. care to add another one to pose as the horse? XD

Cyan said...

Arrel, hmm that maybe so! XD
Nah, After trying the horse pose.. it's not that fun as i imagine haha.. it's difficult to put the unicorn to stand in the back of unihorse, easy to fall down haha..

Alien, thank u.. but still he wont go easy on u.. *pew pew* XD

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