March 23, 2011

Decaling NZ-666 Kshatriya

Hello! I'm writing this at the train otw to airport.. I can't fly before posting this XD *Maniak*
So on the light of Kidou Senshi Unicorn eps 3, the quad-wing Kshatriya has lost in battle. But it has not lost her existence in my collection :) Couple of days last week, I've been having decal affair with the green wings. Finally I'm doing it! I already bought the samuel water decals around last year.

And so here's the result *jepret2x* ^^

Decals on the wings
Unfortunately the decals are all white which i didn't foresee when i painted the wing with soft green.. The contrast is not really good.

Decals on the right side

Decals on the left side
Some decals on the hands and legs side. I like sticking the big decals.. small tiny decals are hell.. >,<

Another shot on left side 

Bottom half
One exceptional decal in gold i sticked on the front lower armor ^^ Each 2 decals on each knee, 7 on the hip armors.

Upper half
Now I like decaling on these parts cause the dark colors, the decals stand out! ^^ 7 decals on front side, 3  on the head.

Back side
Eventually lots of decals end up in the back side ^^;; The darker green makes decals really stand out :)
18 decals in total.. 

Actually there're still unused decals, cause I'm too exhausted to continue *fiuuh* My first experience decaling.. I can say it's like hell! Very exhaustive.. Cut decals, dip inside water, drying, adjusting to the right position, apply mark softener, took a lot of time and concentration, and can easily screwed up..

Now Kshatriya looks better :)

And now it's time to fly to Jakarta again, holiday! :D See you again ^^/


Arrel said...

Woohoo.. finally ^__^
pretty neat job for a first timer :D

I like the darker green color
Did samuel's came with pre-cut decals like Bandai's? or you have to cut it manually?

Wow, I didn't know the 3rd episode is out already o_0

Cyan said...

hehe thx bro, what's up? any gunpla lately? :D

No, samuel's not pre-cut, must do it manual.. T_T *nangis bombay*
I'd say the most tiring part is adjusting position and softening so it looks like the marking is painted directly on armor ^^;;;
while softening, sometime it moves out of the position when i thought already firm, or the marking got scratch while rubbing it dry or softening T_T is it the samuel's quality? I never try bandai's..

Yeah Eps 3 just realeased this month!! :D

Arrel said...

No new gunpla here...
I'm too busy lately >.<

No pre-cut? IC

Hehehe, I never use mark softer/setter.
Try to adjust the decals with wet cotton bud, and dry it with dry cotton bud. Just push it gently, don't rub it. And do it on glossy surface :D

Cyan said...

setter i think just to make it faster, not really necessary.. but never tried though..
but using softer, it looks better, the plastic almost unseen..

I use cotton bud, but still.. maybe still impatient and need more experience hehe..

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