March 1, 2011

SD Unicorn Strikes Twice [Work Log]

Ok, once in a while I'd like to do a complete WIP post just like my fellow Arrel :D
So this is my WIP post for SD unicorn, picture taken wif pocket camera hence the lower quality than usual :p

Start with the head part. It has two faces inside the head for transformation gimmick. But you need to actually take it apart to switch faces. The unicorn horn is not sticked together at the top so it can be open and close, doesn't look like a sturdy horn in the end. :-\

Next is torso.. Clear red parts inside, white parts outside, simple. Notice the sword handle is only half, when you look from the back, not so good.

Hip (I don't like to use crotch haha) parts, also simple. with the front armor can be rotate up for legs movement.

Assembling the legs, you can do it blind folded! XD Actually the joint ball are too loose, it falls off quite often when making pose -_-

Arms, is kinda tricky in the shoulder since can be transform between normal and destroy mode (reveal the red parts inside). And I broke one part (see below) T_T  Let's just say it's battle damage! hahahha..

Weapons : Beam saber, Vulcan gun and shield

SD Unicorn in normal mode, hiding the red psychoframe (most of them) inside.. He's shy and quiet (no mouth part XD)

I did try another future coat after sticking the dry stickers and It didn't turn out good.. after dried, some blue dots appear at the edge of the stickers.. Better coat with something else for stickers..

So that's my SD Unicorn work log. This kit is cute and has nice gimmicks, with few minor complaints :D
Thanks for viewing ^^/


Arrel said...

lol for the sword handle.
But from the look of the parts and articulations, I can say that this kit is much better than those older SD Bandai has released.

Try to strengthen the joint using FFA?

Cyan said...

hehe i don't have many SD only sangokuden.. I like free nice decals :D

what's FFA?

Arrel said...

Future Floor Acrylic?
Add a layer to the balljoint, wait till dry, voila!

You can use clear nail polish or tamiya cement too ^^!

Cyan said...

ooo Future hahaha..
boleh di coba :D

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