February 21, 2011

SD Unicorn Gundam, the white knight Glossy Build

This is my third SD kit since my initial two sangokuden kits (I forgot their name ^^;;). I did it in a day last weekend. It's a nice refreshing between big-complex-very-long-to-finish kit :p hehe..

This is actually worth the price. It has some transformation gimmick, transforming between normal and destroy mode. I still didn't have the chance to take photo of the gimmicks, maybe later. 

And in addition few nice decals :D Although one bad note is that the decals size is too big because of the margin empty space. For example if you see on the shoulder, there are blue unicorn head marking and some words in red marking. This actually is overlapping each other on the empty space. I have to trim it with knife.

On building this kit, this time I have the chance experimenting with Future for top coat.
What is Future? Future is an acrylic based floor polishing. I read few article on internet that's its actually very good for top coat and produce glossy look. So I gave it a try, although I bought the future few months back but never had the chance (or guts) ^^
Below is the picture of the Future bottle.

Put just enough in a container.

And use brush to apply it to the kit. Depend on the size of the parts, choose the right brush size. Future has self leveling property, so do not afraid of applying to much.. And watch out for bubbles, be sure to wipe them. After applying, dry it on top of tissue or paper. Do not dry in a direct sunlight and windy place. After an hour or two, you can touch it. The result is quite good. I say it's better than using glossy top coat spray can (or I'm not doing it right hehe :p).

As a bonus, if you want to trim sprue left over from the runner after applying future. the trimming process is just smooth and easy :D  If you want a complete reference about future, read here.

I haven't do lining yet. It feels like ruining the gloss and glory hehe.. maybe not doing this time.
Thanks for reading ^^


Arrel said...

Whoaa, finished the unicorn already?
Neat n cute tiny little gundam there.
Did the decals included in the package?

So, Future is better than glossy clear coat eh?
Unfortunately, I can't find it here.. -__-
How gloss the result? (imagining glossy car paint)

SD Sinanju will be released next month ^_^

Cyan said...

hehe of course finished.. kalo butuh 6 bulan, apa kata granpa RX-78 XDD

yup decals included..

I found Future in Ace's hardware, try there..
the advantage is easy to apply the coat, disadvantage is takes longer time to dry (1-2 hours). The result is like...emm.. ceramic tiles? (namanya juga buat lantai) XDD

hehe going for it (SD sinanju)? and make father and son pose? XDD

baka-girl said...

Waaaw, is he going to be Virtue's otouto? XDDD

Cyan said...

hehehe.. i think gonna be playful-hyper-active adolescent.. :D and there's another secret still remain to be revealed XD

Arrel said...

I'm not good with brush.
If I can get Future, maybe I'll use it with handsprayer :D

SD Sinanju? Naaay..
MG, RG, figma, revoltech.. I can't afford to add another new collection line yet T__T

sooooo... what's the secret?
doki-doki! ^^

Cyan said...

sprayer juga ok.. cuma abis itu harus dibersihin.. kalo di article, airbrush dibersihin pake amonia abis dipake buat spray future :D

hi-mi-tsu :D

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