February 9, 2011

RG RX 78-2 WIP2

Managed to finish the waist and body ^_^ V

Crotch's parts.
The front and back armors are identical
and see those tiny red part? 
One sneeze is enough to blow it to nowhere...

Waist's parts

 Lower body complete!

Body & backpack parts.
I never built an RX 78 before,
so I wonder how the core fighter will fit into that body?
The backpack has amazing detail & part separations
...and dangerously small parts too

Front body

The backpack

Only the arms, head, and weapons left...

1 comment:

Cyan said...

wohoho nice WIP log post :D
selamat2 atas progressnya!
ah saya memang suka biru dan merah.. *warna almamater* XD

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