February 7, 2011

RG RX 78-2 WIP1

Two days to build the legs? hahaha
I'm really busy with my other stuffs, so yeah, the progress is very slow.
 I don't know if I can finish it this week, but I'll try.
 Besides, after building 1/100 scale models for so long, 1/144 scale feels very small in my hand.
41 parts, only for one leg! And many of them are smaller  than my fingernail.
It took me almost one hour to cut, clean, and build each of them :(

Without the panel lines, the legs seemed plain and bulky,
but the color separations add quite nice details for them.

This is the articulations for the legs.


Cyan said...

hehe dont worry, i'm slower than that -_-
yeah, the articulation is great, and I want a green cutting mat! XD

Arrel said...

What's wrong with tamiya's color? too bright?
I like green better too,
contrast enough as a background :D

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