May 2, 2011


Finally, the job's done ^^
let's pray so I don't have to make some revisions :P

Here's some shots of my RG RX 78-2
Not too much pose though. Coz I'm too afraid to ruin the decals (it's not coated yet :P)

 The 'realistic decals' is nice.
Thinner and sturdier than regular decals, with several metallic tones here and there.

 Awkward pose -__-
The skirt parts fall easily, and the ankle joints aren't too tight...
And the peg on the beam sword didn't fit with the arm's peg hole :P

The bazooka is nice.


en garde...

 for some reason, for me, one of the most remembered part of gundam is the shield...
big red stretched hexagon plate with yellow stars.

remember this epic pose? ^^

 Setsuna: "Get lost gramps!"
Amuro: "Gramps? I came from the future. Do the math!"

 dont forget our little fella'

 run out of gundam marker here.. so, no panel linings  :(

Well, this is my first RX 78-2 model after all those years building gunpla.
The design is old (of course), but this new RG line really hides that fact. With those new inner frame design and articulations, I felt like having a PG miniature.
Of course its not as sturdy as the PG line and I have to move the joints with extra cautions.

Drawbacks: some parts easily fell off, the hip and ankle joints are a bit loose (maybe it's just mine)


Cyan said...

hohoho RG has better decals?

eeh?? you have Exia? baru tau nih XDD
tapi sebagai pendukung setsuna saya balas dengan:
"I can do quantum space travel for fifty years and return not aged even a day" XDD

The incoming pose looks great! I like pose with max articulation XD

I need to wait until RG line releases kit from 00, then I'll try ^^

Amari said...

Kewl, I'm a big fans of RX 78-2..
Buy me one.

Arrel said...

@Cyan: That's a bootleg Exia I bought several years ago, hahaha.
Baru aja nonton 'Trailblazer' nih, endingnya aneh. The story's too deep or my head too shallow? lol.

@Alien: Everyone loves RX 78-2 ^___^

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