June 13, 2010

Arios Gundam Designer Color (WIP 1)

Hi guys,

Just a quick look on the runners inside before I start nipping them all..

A gaze into the picture on the right, brings me an idea to customize the kit.. (hint: Allelujah/Hallelujah) ^^

Thinking of repainting the grey parts to be darker, hmmm..

Take a look at the pinkish part.. looks ugly & cheap -_- Will definitely repaint those!

Look at those stickers.. loads of them! gotta love it XD

And there it is, the LED. To put inside the head, doesn't come with battery though..

Ok that's it. Still not sure whether I'll customize the Arios with the idea popped up just now. We'll see..


baka-girl said...

Kyaaa~ Hallelujah!!! *dies*

Ayo cyan-san, cepet dirakit dong, saya pengen liat jadinya nih :D

Cyan said...

hehehe.. pilot favoritnya sapa sih? XD

ya mohon doa dan makanannya selama tahap perakitan berlangsung XDD

baka-girl said...

Hmm siapa ya?
Kalo tampang sih suka Hallelujah / Allelujah, tapi kalo sifat pilih Tieria XDD

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