June 13, 2010

Arios Gundam Designer Color (WIP 1)

Hi guys,

Just a quick look on the runners inside before I start nipping them all..

A gaze into the picture on the right, brings me an idea to customize the kit.. (hint: Allelujah/Hallelujah) ^^

June 9, 2010

New Project: Arios Gundam Designer Color

Hey guys! how r u all? :)

Since I'm (almost) finished with the Kshatriya (left with decals n top coat), and to put a healthy competition with my fellow Arrel :D I decided to buy myself the next project :D If you know me, it won't be faraway from Gundam 00 series ;p After doing a bit eye-shopping in the net (especially dalong.net), I decided to buy 1/100 Arios Gundam Designer color! XD

Here's what makes me drools over:
  • From 00 series (of course!)
  • Nice color (softer color than the normal version)
  • Got loads of sticker for the extra touch up (looks like decals in a quick look)
  • Good articulation (based on dalong's review)
  • Gonna be my first transformable Gundam! XD
  • Has LED for the eyes, coool! :D
  • Fit automatically to my gundam story project XD
  • hmm what else..?

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