RG Strike + Aile, Sword, & Launcher Packs
Bought this kit about two years ago, and the sword/launcher packs last year.
Strike is one of my favorite mobile suit. It's design are quite simple but not too plain, muscled but not too bulky. With the extra packs, it can be used as an all round weapon.
Took almost two days to finish strike and aile pack alone, plus another two days for sword and launcher packs. As with usual RG kits, it came with tons of decals, and the time to put it on the sword and launcher packs are longer than the time to build those packs XD
No WIP photos this time (except several mobile phone photos that I won't bother to upload)
And I haven't build the Skygrasper yet. Got no action base nor space to display it :(
So, enjoy next tons of photos I took ^___^
I like the details of this RG, almost like the Perfect Grade.
Unfortunately, some gimmicks are gone, like the calf thruster that can't be unfold and side legs mechanism.
Bought this kit about two years ago, and the sword/launcher packs last year.
Strike is one of my favorite mobile suit. It's design are quite simple but not too plain, muscled but not too bulky. With the extra packs, it can be used as an all round weapon.
Took almost two days to finish strike and aile pack alone, plus another two days for sword and launcher packs. As with usual RG kits, it came with tons of decals, and the time to put it on the sword and launcher packs are longer than the time to build those packs XD
No WIP photos this time (except several mobile phone photos that I won't bother to upload)
And I haven't build the Skygrasper yet. Got no action base nor space to display it :(
So, enjoy next tons of photos I took ^___^
I like the details of this RG, almost like the Perfect Grade.
Unfortunately, some gimmicks are gone, like the calf thruster that can't be unfold and side legs mechanism.
Bro fist (left) and bodybuilder pose (right) XD
Ka me ha me ha pose (left)
Great balance (right)
Perfect kneeling pose ^^
Armor Schneider Combat Knives stored in the side skirts
Mandatory badass pose :D
With standard armaments equipped (beam rifle and shield)
pew.. pew.. pew...
Put the Aile Pack on, and Strike become Aile Strike.
It still can stand even with that large backpack.
Anime opening pose
With beam saber and shield
Sword Strike seems a little plain :P
The 'Midas Messer' beam boomerang can be used as a beam knife.
Design-wise, it can't pose the hand to reach the boomerang on the shoulders :P
'Panzer Eisen' Rocket Anchor. Come hereeee!!!
And for the main reason it called 'sword' strike....
'Schwert Gewehr' Anti Ship Sword!!!
En Garde!!!
The sword isn't too long like Destiny's. But I think the size is just right for Strike.
Launcher Strike
I like the canon. It looks heavier and powerful than Destiny's long sleek canon.
And the vulcan on the right shoulder, equipped with some kind of shield, looks great.
Well, with fixed weapon position, not much pose can be done though :P
The main show in this mode, Hyper Impulse Beam Canon 'Agni'.
It's quite hard to get the hand to hold the canon, actually I think I broke the thumb joints when trying to get the pose right T__T
Another way to hold the canon
Strike with all of its packs
Put all packs on, except launcher's & sword's backpacks, then we got 'Almost Perfect' Strike XD
Size comparison with Perfect Grade Strike
Well, I think that's all.
As the third RG, Bandai sure made great improvements with this RG.
No more falling armors, tighter joints, nice color separation, lots of equipment (if you got all of the weapon packs). It's fun to work with this RG Strike and its weapon packs. Combined with action base, you can create many cool poses. And after many poses above, the joints are still good!
With RM Aile Strike released, I think those who like larger scale Strike have better options.
It even came with battery pack and modified Aile pack. With sword/launcher pack add on, we can create the real perfect strike.
It even came with battery pack and modified Aile pack. With sword/launcher pack add on, we can create the real perfect strike.
But still, this RG is awesome ^__^
A nitpicking from me:
...where is the Grand Slam Sword???
baka_girl 69p · 720 weeks ago
cyan198 48p · 720 weeks ago
baka_girl 69p · 720 weeks ago
Mauuuu... xD
cyan198 48p · 719 weeks ago
baka_girl 69p · 719 weeks ago
cyan198 48p · 720 weeks ago
baka_girl 69p · 720 weeks ago
raven · 719 weeks ago
*Inceptionist crew stops by*
My recent post Re- Kritik-saran untuk komik ELEX yang telah terbit Baca format posting hal 1
cyan198 48p · 719 weeks ago
apa ini bawa2 link LXO? hahha xD
raven · 719 weeks ago
Ini tadinya cuma iseng aja, lha kok ternyata bisa pake link LXO lengkap dengan last post :P
My recent post Re- Gender- Mangaka &38 Manga
Arrelian · 719 weeks ago
Biar rada gak ngerti filmnya, gundam2 barunya keren ^___^
Itu statue atau ada artikulasinya Cyan?
...lagi mikir pengen ngambil HG Qan[T] nih... worthy gak ya...