December 1, 2012

1/72 Liger Zero Schneider

 1/72 Liger Zero Schneider

 Finished this a week ago.
Still not painted or panel lined yet, so this is more like short 'out of box' review ^^

This is the 'base' form of the liger (prime form)
Black, white, a bit blue, red, and brown.
It looks awesome even without the Schneider CAS (Change Armor System).
There are many small details like pistons, springs, and panel lines, I wonder should I paint those details? They still visible even when the Schneider Pack installed.


Pull the torso first to give space for the articulation movement

The body articulation is quite good,
it can bend up, down, left, and right.
The tail has several joints too.

Front legs articulations.

 Back legs articulations.

 The head doubles as a cockpit.
The cockpit's glass cover is armored, which gave impression of eyes.
No pilot figure there. I like it that way ^^
The mouth can be opened, an the teeth are literally sharp

 Size comparison with Gun Sniper Leena ver.
This cat is huuuge ^^

Schneider CAS Pack:

Armors and weapons for the head...

...for the body and tail...

 ...and for the legs.

 Liger Zero Schneider complete!
I admit the armors really improve the overall look of this cat,
and they don't distract the articulations too much, except the head.
The 'manes' and blades hinder the head movement greatlty.
Even when the blades are rotated to the front, the 'manes' are still there.


 'Buster Slash' mode.

Top view.

  Size comparison with RG Zaku II
Zaku: How'd you manage to be that big?
Schneider: I ate Zakus for dinner.
Zaku: ...... o_0

Size comparison with MG Banshee
A bit out of topic here: I believe that Banshee is personification of a lion. 
At 'The Lady and The Unicorn' painting, there are lion and unicorn standing with the lady. If Unicorn Gundam is the unicorn, then Banshee is the lion. Banshee's golden collar is the manes.
 Cant' wait for the 6th episode of Gundam UC ^__^

Size comparison with figma Aigis
Aigis: Go forth Battlecat!!!

A bit verdict:
Pluses: Great articulations (Except the head when the armors attached), great look, and great size.
Minuses: Some of he armors tend to loose and the pilot figure isn't painted (the drawbacks of a bootleg kit). Still need to be painted.

 Aigis: This is cooler than the ex:Ride ^___^

Extra photos:

MSZ-006A1 Zeta Plus A1

 Today's post is full of reddish photos, teehehe...

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