From the photos of the last post, we can see that the main color is dark blue,
a bit light blue here and there, orange bolts, and gray for the weapon pack. (Two or three shade of gray actually). I don't quite fond with the light blue, and the gray color can't really show the variation of weapons that this little raptor had.
a bit light blue here and there, orange bolts, and gray for the weapon pack. (Two or three shade of gray actually). I don't quite fond with the light blue, and the gray color can't really show the variation of weapons that this little raptor had.
The unpainted one
Painted all the blue parts (dark and some of the light) with dark blue, white for the 'ears' and missile covers, bronze for the mouth, dark silver for the inner frame and weapons. Then panel lined with gundam marker.
The bolt was painted with bright gold, but the paint was too thin.
I'm quite happy with the result ^^
Sniping mode (That's why it called gun 'SNIPER)
The 'Wild Weasel'
I painted it with dark silver and white, then adding a little color details with silver gundam marker, yellow enamel, black whiteboard marker, and panel lines.
The white paint was added thinly, so the results aren't too 'white', but 'dirty' white.
The 'Wild Weasel' , back view.
The weapons can be adjusted up an down, left and right. But mainly facing forward.
Right view.
Left view.
Back-side view.
Rear view.
Look! It has tail lights ^___^
Open the missile hatches!!!
The missile hatches at the hips can be opened too actually.
And I didn't change the missile pod's hatch (the boxes at the sides of the hands and legs) with the open type, coz I forgot to paint the parts. The missiles inside was already painted red though.
The red missiles was painted with red whiteboard marker and red enamel paint.
You sure can see the difference here XD
You sure can see the difference here XD
I think I should paint the inside part of the mouth red.
The pilot figure was pre-painted. Not neat, and I'm too lazy to fix it.
Close view of the weapons:
Run out of gold marker... the gold pipes and the yellow parts at the claws was painted thinly -__-
Size comparison with RG Zaku II and Figma STR
The design and details are great, but they need superb painting skill in order to be seen.
The skill that I haven't got :P
Without the weapon pack, this little raptor has decent articulations. The body can bend, the tail had ball joints, and the feet can move freely. The hands articulations aren't too god though.
The skill that I haven't got :P
Without the weapon pack, this little raptor has decent articulations. The body can bend, the tail had ball joints, and the feet can move freely. The hands articulations aren't too god though.
But when the weapon pack was attached, the weight limits the pose.
Well, this kit sure don't need various poses. It just need to stand there to look cool ^^.
18 guns, 10 missile pods, a radome, jaws, claws...
A great contender for Heavyarm Gundam
Btw, this is a bootleg kit, not the Kotobukiya one.
I'm sure the original had sharper details and better prepainted Lena figure.
baka_girl 69p · 720 weeks ago
cyan198 48p · 720 weeks ago
baka_girl 69p · 720 weeks ago
Mauuuu... xD
cyan198 48p · 719 weeks ago
baka_girl 69p · 719 weeks ago
cyan198 48p · 720 weeks ago
baka_girl 69p · 720 weeks ago
raven · 719 weeks ago
*Inceptionist crew stops by*
My recent post Re- Kritik-saran untuk komik ELEX yang telah terbit Baca format posting hal 1
cyan198 48p · 719 weeks ago
apa ini bawa2 link LXO? hahha xD
raven · 719 weeks ago
Ini tadinya cuma iseng aja, lha kok ternyata bisa pake link LXO lengkap dengan last post :P
My recent post Re- Gender- Mangaka &38 Manga
Arrelian · 719 weeks ago
Biar rada gak ngerti filmnya, gundam2 barunya keren ^___^
Itu statue atau ada artikulasinya Cyan?
...lagi mikir pengen ngambil HG Qan[T] nih... worthy gak ya...