July 21, 2012

Gun Sniper Leena ver. —Painted

From the photos of the last post, we can see that the main color is dark blue,
a bit light blue here and there, orange bolts, and gray for the weapon pack. (Two or three shade of gray actually). I don't quite fond with the light blue, and the gray color can't really show the variation of weapons that this little raptor had.

 The unpainted one

Painted all the blue parts (dark and some of the light) with dark blue, white for the 'ears' and missile covers, bronze for the mouth, dark silver for the inner frame and weapons. Then panel lined with gundam marker.
The bolt was painted with bright gold, but the paint was too thin.

July 15, 2012

Gun Sniper Leena ver. —WIP Shots

As a kid, I love dinosaur. Yeah, every kids love dinosaur  ^__^
Remember that old TV series like "Dinosaucers", "Dino Raiders", "Denver The Last Dinosaur"?
Or dinosaur toys that we played with? Remember "Bone Age"? Or "Skeleflex"?
Even Transformers had their own dinosaurs (No Dinobots? Why Bay? Why???)
 Combined with mecha theme, dinosaurs sure became a saleable stuff for boys.
Maybe that's why ZOIDS was created :D

Gun Sniper Leena Version. My very first ZOIDS kit.
Got this kit a month ago and build it as soon as I got the time (sorry for all my MIB gunpla).
After many human like mecha kit, this kit sure a refreshment project for my soul.. if I have any.
Finished in two consecutive days, and painted fully in one day.

 The head design is nice. Openable mouth and cockpit, movable ear/horn,
with two plastic pipe that connect it to the body.

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