April 8, 2012

RG Char's Zaku II (WISP 1)

 When did I get this kit? A year ago? How time flies.. hahaha...
Got a little free time this Saturday, so I guess I can start building this kit.
I don't expect to finish it this weekend though. 
The 'three times faster' MS will be done in 'three times slower' XD

 I always amazed with RG box illustration. Shiny!

 9 Runner, 2 small springs, 1 sheet of 'realistic' decals, and the manual book.
Two shade of gray parts, and FOUR shade of red (pink) parts.

Following the manual, I started with the foot.

The leg's parts amazed me.
See those teeny-weeny leg thrusters? (The cutting mat's grid is 1x1cm)
I must hold my breath when working with them. Too afraid to blow 'em away >.<

Nice leg articulations.

That's all for today ^__^
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