This weekend I had to go shopping for 'pulang kampung' next week.. So it's a chance for a visit to the gunpla store! ^^/ Here's what I bought:
Tamiya File set (for sanding) |
Plastic cement for seam line removal |
Weathering Kit |
Thinner |
Mr. Hobby Mr.Base White 1000 |
Black Color |
I tried the tamiya file, and it's really convenient *throw away sanding disc* ^^ Use it for initial sanding.
I meant to buy Tamiya XF-21 Flat base for mixing with future to produce glossy top coat, but instead I bought Mr.base white 1000 -_- So I red some articles about base white 1000 and turn out it's good for priming and surfacing (mixed with thinner), read from here and here. Maybe I'll try someday :)
Bought black spray paint for Seravee when I do seam line removal on the kit. And for the weathering kit, hehe I'm saving for the future. All of this are worth of a 1/100 NG gunpla ^^;;
AND THIS WEEK WORK LOG, I did seam line removal practicing on RX-78 03 legs. Here's the result:
The right is ok, but left one failed. I tried with unknown plastic cement from Ace's hardware, turned out it doesn't melt.
Better stick with Tamiya/Mr.Hobby cement |
Both are ok :) My sanding skill (or patience) still not good enough, scratches still noticeable :( |
Seam line removed and primed! :D They say model kit look great in prime, it's true ^^
Notice, I didn't do sprue cleaning (lazy me) :p |
What's happening to me? I'm changing.. |
My legs!?! what they've done to my legs!? |
The shoulder have been primed and painted. It doesn't look like plastic anymore,
but it doesn't look like made of steel also. It's gritty, looks like made of clay or stone.
Is it the primer? I need to try different primer to find out. |
That's all.. I'll be busy next two weeks, marriage preparation ^^
baka_girl 69p · 720 weeks ago
cyan198 48p · 720 weeks ago
baka_girl 69p · 720 weeks ago
Mauuuu... xD
cyan198 48p · 720 weeks ago
baka_girl 69p · 720 weeks ago
cyan198 48p · 720 weeks ago
baka_girl 69p · 720 weeks ago
raven · 720 weeks ago
*Inceptionist crew stops by*
My recent post Re- Kritik-saran untuk komik ELEX yang telah terbit Baca format posting hal 1
cyan198 48p · 719 weeks ago
apa ini bawa2 link LXO? hahha xD
raven · 719 weeks ago
Ini tadinya cuma iseng aja, lha kok ternyata bisa pake link LXO lengkap dengan last post :P
My recent post Re- Gender- Mangaka &38 Manga
Arrelian · 719 weeks ago
Biar rada gak ngerti filmnya, gundam2 barunya keren ^___^
Itu statue atau ada artikulasinya Cyan?
...lagi mikir pengen ngambil HG Qan[T] nih... worthy gak ya...