May 29, 2011

Ring of Meisters, Gundam 00 Awakening of Traiblazer Figures

Bought them last month in jakarta, it was unexpected visit at toy store.. They are sold in a set, must buy all four.. Well, another collections added :)

I like the poses.. especially Harute and Zabanya ^^ Why they didn't make good pose for 00 QanT :-\
Here are the individual photos:

Gundam Zabanya, Nerayuts! *PEW PEW*

00 Qan[T], lets take the [Quantum] leap of faith

Raphael Gundam, I haz two side cutters to build gunpla, nya ha ha..

Gundam Harute, to infinity and beyond!
Now they are gloriously posing at my office desk, hi hi.. ^^

Ooh I also added intenseDebate (Comment system), starting this post. Arrel, create your intenseDebate account :D
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