March 6, 2011

A Little Sweetness...

Unlike its name, recently I feel this blog is lack of moeness
Sooo, here's some pics to add a little sweetness to this blog
enjoy ^__^

Saber. My very first figma ^__^

She's quite old. I posed her oftenly, but her joints are still stiff.

 Saber Alter.

She is Saber's sparring partner...

Black Rock Shooter, the loli with blue flaming eye...

Her rock cannon is too big and heavy for dynamic poses, and using two figma stand is too messy.
So, I prefer her black sword.

Aigis, my sexiest android

Lovely figure, tee..hee..hee.. :P

Yes, their poses are intimidating, no sign of moeness, hahaha.
Actually, I want to take some more pics of the other girls, some revos, and of course the RG RX 78-2,
but I ran out of battery..

A bonus pic:

1 comment:

Cyan said...

waaaaw! from first to last pic, it's getting moerer! yes include the alien XDD
alien nya lg diet, makan mangga XD

all warrior goddesses are doing exercise XD

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