February 13, 2011

RG RX 78-2 WIP3

Finally! All parts complete! ^__^

 Hands parts
Hand articulations. Superb, just like the legs.
That moving triceps armor reminds me of PG Strike arms.

 Head parts. Quite detail, just like MG.
Even the yellow vulcans are separated.
I had a hard time with the eyes' stickers though.

Helloo there gramps  ^^!

Beam rifle parts
not much, but not as simple as usual HG rifles

Beam rifle

Bazooka parts
some parts remind me of Sinanju's bazooka and Ball's cannon :D


Shield parts

The shield can dock the rifle and beam sabers
cool ^_^ 

Additional hands
two joints on all fingers? Wow!

Core fighter's parts

Nice little ship ^^
The cockpit can be opened!

Approximately 4 cm in length, and 3 cm in width

Folded core fighter

You can change the 'fake' gray core fighter with the real one
without sacrificing the waist articulation.
 Any idea how to paint that tiny Amuro?
I gave up already >_<
Gundam  RX 78-2 complete!
Its design is a bit old-fashioned, but still menacing
(if you pose it properly of course!)

The hand can reach the beam saber at the backpack
(Ooops, I forgot to take pic of the beam sabers. But they're strangely long.
Even taller than the mobile suit itself!)

With all of its weapons: beam swords, beam rifle, shield, and bazooka.
But no spear and the morning star ~___~

I like this angle
Next: adding panel lines and stickers
frankly, I'm a bit lazy to do it, hahaha...

A little surprise:
Got this package today
Another pre-ordered item that came late
I don't even know what it is when I received it
(Jeez, how many item I pre-ordered last year? I should be more thrifty)


Cyan said...

Wow a very complete WIP post this time XD
the weapon docking shield is WIN!
What the hands?! I demand Bandai release the same hands for 1/100 Gundam 00 Series kit!! XDD

Core fighternya bisa disambungin dimana?
Angle yg terakhir, tinggal tambahin lampu2 dari bawah.. jadi deh RX 78 di Odaiba, Jepang XD

what, another package?! XDD

Arrel said...

Yeah, the hands are cool
they're like Sinanju's
But I'm too afraid to mess with it
the joints are soooo tiny :P

Seperti di foto, core fighternya masuk ke body bagian atas. Tapi cukup sekali aja dah gw tuker2. Keras bgt nyabut yang 'fake'. hahaha

Hint for the package: "He's Three times faster!"

Cyan said...

haha Char's Zaku? XD

Arrel said...

Yeah.. it's Char's Zaku ^^

The hint was too easy!!! XD

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