February 4, 2011

RG RX 78-2 Get!!!

Finally, my 1st RG arrived! ^__^
Why RX 78-2? Not much choices for RG model though.
It's the only model available when I ordered it four months ago.
Yup! Four months ago. Why so long? 
I don't really know why, but it looks like my usual seller got some  problem
with the shipping process, customs, holidays, yada..yada..yada..
Now let's see what we've got here...

One manual booklet, ten runners, one sheet of 'realistic' decal/stickers.
I didn't get the blue stand base ~_~
I think that's a bonus for the first batch. Aww.. never mind...

 Two tone of red and white color!
And the so called 'realistic' decal/sticker was a great addition (and will give me a hard time for sure)

This is the most interesting parts.
Pre-cast inner frame for the legs, body, arms, even the palms! Just like the Perfect Grade's palms.
I wonder how they work and how much articulation they had in those tiny frames

 Well, that's all for now.
Let's hope I can find some spare time this weekend to start building it 


Cyan said...

Hey I can see Arios! XD
It's still on my mind.. why does it call Real Grade?
ooh gitu toh inner framenya..
So jadi ga pas weekend? :D

Arrel said...

I don't know too
Maybe because this model's colors and decals are accurate to that 1:1 gundam statue at Odaiba.
because this line has details, inner frames and better articulations like the MG line, but with more REAListic price, hahahaha...

Blom jadi nih,
cuma sempet rakit kakinya doang :(
ntar sambung lagi ah...

Cyan said...

haha realistic price..

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