January 30, 2011

WIP V: Arios Designer Color, and some shopping

Today 30 Jan 2011, I hereby finished snap fitting Arios! XD Bought the kit at June 2010, haha what have I been doing.. -_- There he is standing really tall. Now the tallest of my collection, around 1 half centimeters taller than Exia..

I still need to put the dry stickers, lining and top coat.. eermm, which one first? Afraid to damage the stickers with the top coat *no clue*

And by the way, yesterday on a long journey inside a mall, I stopped by at gunpla shop. After an hour inside drooling at MG and PG kit (ooh I really want Astray red frame, that is real Vagabond XD. Also saw 00 Raiser designer color, aarghh Godlike! *mari ngumpulin duit*), I bought these.. ^^

A cutting mat! Finally I got one haha.. now my table won't suffer from the knife anymore.. *elus2 meja*

And Chibi SD Gundam Unicorn! XD Even though It will be Rabbit year.. *apa hubungannya* :p He's gonna be one of cute collection ^^ I thought it's gonna be relatively easy, but quick look at the guide maybe it's not. There are very tiny stickers which will be difficult to stick at the right place..

So lets try to finish Arios before CNY holiday! Yoshh!!


raven said...

selama ini yu gak punya cutting mat? XDD

Hellow, Arios ^^

Cyan said...

wow so fast.. XD

Ai tak punya la.. masokis dikit ma meja :p

raven said...

Itu namanya sadistis, pakcik.
Kalo masokis yang di-cutter tangan sendiri :p

Arrel said...

Happy birthday Arios ^^
Seven months to finish it?
I've got Hi-V since Feb 2009 and it still untouched ~__~

How much that tamiya cutting mat cost you?
I bought other brand (A4 size) for about 5 bucks (50.000 rupiahs) in Gr*medi* bookstore, and do a facepalm when I saw the same brand only cost me 4 bucks, (for A3 size!), in M*ngg* Du*.

Unicorn is the only SD Gundam that caught my attention for it's 'transformable' gimmick. Care to paint it? XD

Cyan said...

@raven, haha gitu ya mistress..

@arel, apuaaa?? 50rb!? ini 100 ribu! -__-
haha buat saya saja Hi-V nya.. *ga tau apaan pdhl*

I dont want to paint unicorn really.. just a light work between PG work (ky punya PG aja) XD

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