July 18, 2010

Mobile Pod Ball Ver. Ka

It's been a while since my last post here.
A lot happened, but I managed to build this kit with my spare time.
So, here it is: The Ball ^__^

I bought this kit just for the sake of it's price. The cheapest MG out there.
It also has that 'unique' design, simple form, easy and quite straight to be build
(but I need more than a month to finish it, hahaha).

Not much to be said about this kit though,It has round shape, two 'hands', three booster, and openable cockpit. And don't forget, millions of decals as Ver.Ka trademarks.
Errr.. not that much actually, but I need a whole weekend to use all of them on this kit.

I painted the inner frame a little with tamiya enamel paint & citadel paint. Can't stand seeing those complex design in plain dark gray color. But finally, all covered by the armor XD

Painted and lined

Empty cockpit. Too lazy to paint the pilot and other two ground crew :P

I can't find any decent pose for this guy (pose? what pose? >.<)

Size comparison with 1:144 kit

Size comparison with 1:100 kit


Cyan said...

selamaaat! dah bisa dipajang! XD
makin bagus shootingnya.. :D
hehe dark gray emang bikin gatel mata ya ^^;

Arrel said...

test test tendang bola..! hahaha

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