June 9, 2010

New Project: Arios Gundam Designer Color

Hey guys! how r u all? :)

Since I'm (almost) finished with the Kshatriya (left with decals n top coat), and to put a healthy competition with my fellow Arrel :D I decided to buy myself the next project :D If you know me, it won't be faraway from Gundam 00 series ;p After doing a bit eye-shopping in the net (especially dalong.net), I decided to buy 1/100 Arios Gundam Designer color! XD

Here's what makes me drools over:
  • From 00 series (of course!)
  • Nice color (softer color than the normal version)
  • Got loads of sticker for the extra touch up (looks like decals in a quick look)
  • Good articulation (based on dalong's review)
  • Gonna be my first transformable Gundam! XD
  • Has LED for the eyes, coool! :D
  • Fit automatically to my gundam story project XD
  • hmm what else..?

And so on the weekend (two weeks back), I went straight to the shop and grab it! Yaaay! can't wait to start on it! ^^

I'm gonna just take it easy this time.. the color already good, maybe I'll repaint the grey parts, to make it more sharp! :) Or any ideas that come up along the way.. Can't wait, can't wait!! XD


KF said...

Wow...another member in HQ

can't hardly wait for the launching...

semoga bukan virtue yg disuruh nge-cek lg...kasian dia nanti bisa jantungan...

Cyan said...

wekekeke.. iya ya kasian Virtue ;p
Thanks dah mampir :D

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