October 10, 2011

The Green Dwarf

 "BB Senshi SD Gundam Kshatriya,"
got this little guy weeks ago. My very first SD grade gunpla ^^.
Actually, I don't quite fond with SD designs, except the Sangokuden series.
IMHO they looked childish or too cute. Then why I picked this guy?
Maybe because he (she?) has relative smaller head than other SD out there, not like that "hydrochepalus" tiny gundams. It helps to keep the "menacing" look without loosing it's cuteness.

The box contains three runners, three PC runner, stickers, manual sheet,
and something like a glass coaster with ZEON emblem on it.

 Runner A
Contains almost all of the Kshatriya's body parts.

Runner B
 Contains the wings and head parts.

Runner C
 Contains several body and wings parts, also Loto parts.
(Geez, that Loto looks very simple.)

The PC parts, foil sticker, clear sticker, and glass coaster.
( I think the glass coaster is a kind of bonus for the first batch product?)

Head and body parts

 Head and body, assembled.


 Legs and waist

No funnels there... -__-

 Ready to 'gattai'  ^_^

Completely assembled! Front side.
No stickers applied yet. Plain out of box.

 Back side 
Those 'back collar' reminds me of Zeta design.

 See the difference between the artwork and the out of box (OOB) kit?
He/she really needs a lot of color detailing. 
I don't like the stickers, maybe I'll try to paint him/her later.

That's it! My first SD Gundam ^^
Cutted, cleaned, and assembled in 80 minutes at a sleepless night last weekend (on my bed)
I thought SD Gundams are for childs, but with this minimum details and colors, I changed my mind, hahaha.

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