March 29, 2011

A Little Sweetness... 2

Pheew... lately, my hands are tied by my job. At work and at home...
Got no time to write or taking pics T___T

So here's a little update of my collection.
Not much (only two), and not new released things
but still, they help me to work with smile ^___^

First, Kaiyodo's Fraulein Pocco
Who's she?
Pocco came from Shunya Yamashita's artbook, an artist who designed many video games and anime characters (try googling for that name if you want to know more).
 Got this babe at Jakarta's Toy Festival for 11 bucks.
Actually I want to get her years ago, when she's just released (25 bucks at that time)
but she's not in my 'priority' list. Then the better action figure line (figma, IMO) released, so she's just sitting there in the corner of my brain... until now ^^

 Her expression is quite awkward
like saying "I'd never thought you can do that!"
(and yeah, those are winning boobs XD)

The 2nd one is...
Dead Master, from BRS series
A cute chick with wings, horns, a sharp scythe (literally), and two giant skulls.
One of my long awaited pre-ordered item... -__-
Why Dead Master? Not Death Master? I have no idea.
'Dead Master' sounds like a master that already dead, not a ruler of the dead... lol

Licking face is her trademark ^^
(a new kind of sexy symbol? beat me...)

That's all for now.

Wut? only that?
Yeah. Like I said, got no time to do a photoshoot until I finished my work.
I hope I can do that next week... or in a couple of week... -___-

and also..
Let's pray for Japan

March 23, 2011

Decaling NZ-666 Kshatriya

Hello! I'm writing this at the train otw to airport.. I can't fly before posting this XD *Maniak*
So on the light of Kidou Senshi Unicorn eps 3, the quad-wing Kshatriya has lost in battle. But it has not lost her existence in my collection :) Couple of days last week, I've been having decal affair with the green wings. Finally I'm doing it! I already bought the samuel water decals around last year.

And so here's the result *jepret2x* ^^

Decals on the wings
Unfortunately the decals are all white which i didn't foresee when i painted the wing with soft green.. The contrast is not really good.

Decals on the right side

Decals on the left side
Some decals on the hands and legs side. I like sticking the big decals.. small tiny decals are hell.. >,<

Another shot on left side 

Bottom half
One exceptional decal in gold i sticked on the front lower armor ^^ Each 2 decals on each knee, 7 on the hip armors.

Upper half
Now I like decaling on these parts cause the dark colors, the decals stand out! ^^ 7 decals on front side, 3  on the head.

Back side
Eventually lots of decals end up in the back side ^^;; The darker green makes decals really stand out :)
18 decals in total.. 

Actually there're still unused decals, cause I'm too exhausted to continue *fiuuh* My first experience decaling.. I can say it's like hell! Very exhaustive.. Cut decals, dip inside water, drying, adjusting to the right position, apply mark softener, took a lot of time and concentration, and can easily screwed up..

Now Kshatriya looks better :)

And now it's time to fly to Jakarta again, holiday! :D See you again ^^/

March 14, 2011

Seravee Designer Color [Work Log]

And so the next build is on! ^^ It's Seravee Gundam Designer Color, from Gundam 00 2nd season.
Actually want to buy 00 Raiser designer color, but out of stock -_- Seravee still on stock, so I thought might as well upgrade my most sentimentil gunpla (you know who) hehe..

So in the past two weekends, I have started Seravee build. I change my building steps on this kit.
1. Now I'll do snapfit until finish before sanding the visible excess sprue, before I snap and sand first before putting all together.
2. During snapfit, I also prepare for easy disassembling later by cutting the male peg diagonally (sorry didn't take pic -_-). I may need to disassemble for sanding and painting later (tiny chance i'm gonna do it)

Anyway some comments on the parts (above, comparing with the anime illustration):
1. The clear part on center of the head supposed to look red, but the sticker inside doesn't really do the job.
2. The eyes when LED is on, doesn't have shape since the light is scattered.
3. The small lowered hole in the chest, looks unrealistic. Supposed to be screw-like hole, don't know how to make it looks real, hand paint, drill a hole and put some small screw? *chicken out* XD 

So at least I did something with the first two. I painted the clear part with semi clear red. And I cut eyes shape holes on the eyes sticker (which wasn't used anymore), to only allow light through the eyes hole. There're still detail flaws on the hole I need to fix though. Looks better right? Now what to do with the chest? :-\

And as usual the seam lines hell XD I never removed seam line before. Maybe I'll try this time, but on different kit first, maybe blue destiny..

So this is as far as i get last two weekends, still looking plain without decals and lining :)  No it isn't finish snapfitting yet, since Seravee has 'two' bodies XD

~till next post..

March 10, 2011

Two is better than One (Unicorn)

Hello! ^^/
I have been playing with the unicorn photos.. and here's the result XD

You Shall Not Pass!

Am I hallucinating or are those really two unicorns?? XD Yup, It's two! Hmm, I'm sure it's photoshopped.. XD Hmm, yeah i can do that.. But, fortunately I really have two! XD Why? It's a long and complicated love story XD I was happily painting unicorn in the emergency stairs (yeah, I live in condo with no balcony -_-), then I went to my room to leave them dry for 10 minutes.. and when I went back my spray cans has gone, plus the booklet guide T_T But the parts are still there. This is so weird, I think the cleaner took them for god knows what reason T_T It's hopeless to build without the guide. So what else I can do than to buy another box of SD Unicorn XD Well I guess Gundam God wants me to have two XD So that's the story I ended up having two cute unicorns ^^ I guess this is when we say, picture says a thousand words XDD

Did you just ask, whether i did the horse and rider pose? Yes I did! XD

Unicorn is Assassin

Don't let the cuteness fool you! He is a natural born killer, with double rifles (one borrowed from his shy brother)! XD

Ok, this is the end of unicorn post series. I've already started with the next gunpla work and will be dully covered on the next post. Anyway here's the original pics before edited. Thanks for viewing :)

March 6, 2011

A Little Sweetness...

Unlike its name, recently I feel this blog is lack of moeness
Sooo, here's some pics to add a little sweetness to this blog
enjoy ^__^

Saber. My very first figma ^__^

She's quite old. I posed her oftenly, but her joints are still stiff.

 Saber Alter.

She is Saber's sparring partner...

Black Rock Shooter, the loli with blue flaming eye...

Her rock cannon is too big and heavy for dynamic poses, and using two figma stand is too messy.
So, I prefer her black sword.

Aigis, my sexiest android

Lovely figure, tee..hee..hee.. :P

Yes, their poses are intimidating, no sign of moeness, hahaha.
Actually, I want to take some more pics of the other girls, some revos, and of course the RG RX 78-2,
but I ran out of battery..

A bonus pic:

March 1, 2011

SD Unicorn Strikes Twice [Work Log]

Ok, once in a while I'd like to do a complete WIP post just like my fellow Arrel :D
So this is my WIP post for SD unicorn, picture taken wif pocket camera hence the lower quality than usual :p

Start with the head part. It has two faces inside the head for transformation gimmick. But you need to actually take it apart to switch faces. The unicorn horn is not sticked together at the top so it can be open and close, doesn't look like a sturdy horn in the end. :-\

Next is torso.. Clear red parts inside, white parts outside, simple. Notice the sword handle is only half, when you look from the back, not so good.

Hip (I don't like to use crotch haha) parts, also simple. with the front armor can be rotate up for legs movement.

Assembling the legs, you can do it blind folded! XD Actually the joint ball are too loose, it falls off quite often when making pose -_-

Arms, is kinda tricky in the shoulder since can be transform between normal and destroy mode (reveal the red parts inside). And I broke one part (see below) T_T  Let's just say it's battle damage! hahahha..

Weapons : Beam saber, Vulcan gun and shield

SD Unicorn in normal mode, hiding the red psychoframe (most of them) inside.. He's shy and quiet (no mouth part XD)

I did try another future coat after sticking the dry stickers and It didn't turn out good.. after dried, some blue dots appear at the edge of the stickers.. Better coat with something else for stickers..

So that's my SD Unicorn work log. This kit is cute and has nice gimmicks, with few minor complaints :D
Thanks for viewing ^^/
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