Another Saber? Why not?
Figma Saber was one of my favorite figure. Smart, sharp, and not too sexy.
Except for her skirt that restrict her legs articulations (and the paint), she's good.
When the Alter version released, I said to my self, "Why not?"
I don't have many 'dark' characters in my disposal though.
She'll be a nice addition (and cool sparring partner for Seiba too ^__^)
I got her last week.
She came with two face (normal and shouting), two hair (normal and blown), and the Dark Excalibur. Not much eh? The original Saber got Caliburn and Excalibur, both with their own scabbards. She also got extra hands (open, close, gripping something, pointing, inviting) and two gripping hands that pointing forward (like Shana's).
Figma Saber was one of my favorite figure. Smart, sharp, and not too sexy.
Except for her skirt that restrict her legs articulations (and the paint), she's good.
When the Alter version released, I said to my self, "Why not?"
I don't have many 'dark' characters in my disposal though.
She'll be a nice addition (and cool sparring partner for Seiba too ^__^)
I got her last week.
She came with two face (normal and shouting), two hair (normal and blown), and the Dark Excalibur. Not much eh? The original Saber got Caliburn and Excalibur, both with their own scabbards. She also got extra hands (open, close, gripping something, pointing, inviting) and two gripping hands that pointing forward (like Shana's).

Her sculpts are sharp. Watch your fingers. Really.

Too far from the eyes, and a bit too high.

So, is she worthy? I can say 'Yes'. Better proportion, slightly better articulations, nice color scheme, a cool female dark knight. If only she got more accessories and not-too-straight eyes on her faces (Original Saber got three faces with rolled eyes), she'll be perfect.
baka_girl 69p · 719 weeks ago
cyan198 48p · 719 weeks ago
baka_girl 69p · 719 weeks ago
Mauuuu... xD
cyan198 48p · 719 weeks ago
baka_girl 69p · 719 weeks ago
cyan198 48p · 719 weeks ago
baka_girl 69p · 719 weeks ago
raven · 719 weeks ago
*Inceptionist crew stops by*
My recent post Re- Kritik-saran untuk komik ELEX yang telah terbit Baca format posting hal 1
cyan198 48p · 719 weeks ago
apa ini bawa2 link LXO? hahha xD
raven · 719 weeks ago
Ini tadinya cuma iseng aja, lha kok ternyata bisa pake link LXO lengkap dengan last post :P
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Arrelian · 719 weeks ago
Biar rada gak ngerti filmnya, gundam2 barunya keren ^___^
Itu statue atau ada artikulasinya Cyan?
...lagi mikir pengen ngambil HG Qan[T] nih... worthy gak ya...