April 24, 2012

RG Char's Zaku II (WISP4)

Finished decaling the Zaku II ^^
It takes hours to put all of those tiny decals (plus eye sore and backache)
I think the red/pink colors are too light, the decals on that parts aren't too visible.

Front view
Accidentally flipped a pair of decals here :P

April 16, 2012

Seravee WIP: Decaling

Finished decaling Seravee Designer Color.. Finally it doesn't look boring white or black anymore haha..
I smeared glossy coat before applying decals.
Here some photos to enjoy :)

All lined up and ready

Please refer to manual.

Some close up

Right shoulder is jealous of left shoulder, why nothing for the right?

Another big one on left foot (and yes nothing for the right)

Left foot

Designer color decals is just nice :)

Seraphim got some nice greeneries

I wish it glows in the dark XD

a little close up

Weapon of overly-mass destruction!
Another top coat and ready for some pose shootings ^^.

RG Char's Zaku II (WISP3)

Head parts
Forgot to take pic of the complete head.

April 10, 2012

RG Char's Zaku II (WISP 2)

Crotch parts.
Not much, with little color sepparations.
The inner frame is almost identic with RG RX 78-2.

April 8, 2012

RG Char's Zaku II (WISP 1)

 When did I get this kit? A year ago? How time flies.. hahaha...
Got a little free time this Saturday, so I guess I can start building this kit.
I don't expect to finish it this weekend though. 
The 'three times faster' MS will be done in 'three times slower' XD

 I always amazed with RG box illustration. Shiny!

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